Meet Mr Wong – the happiest person in America Male, tall, Asian-American, at least 65 years old with children . . . how a New York Times/Gallup poll tracked down the embodiment of true happiness
Michelle Obama’s breastfeed plan attacked by Tea Party’s leading ladies Rightwingers Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann scorn US first lady's effort to give tax breaks to mothers for breast pumps
Cosmetic surgery in American hotel leads to death of British woman Suspected illegal backstreet 'surgeons' operated on 20-year-old who complained of chest pains after buttock procedure
At the fertility supermarket Yvonne Roberts: Describing a surrogate as a 'gestational carrier' is a new low in motherhood's commercialisation
Retuning the brain may cure tinnitus, finds study Research in rats suggests that stimulating a nerve in the brain could help stop persistent ringing in the ears
Dick Cheney considers heart transplant Ex-US vice-president says his battery-powered heart pump is a 'wondrous device', and claims he didn't mind Darth Vader jibes
Anyone for a bucket of coffee? Starbucks thinks so Richard Adams: Starbucks announces plans to sell bladder-bursting 'Trenta' cup size - holding almost a litre of coffee - in its US outlets
Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer’s while president, says son Son Ron Reagan's claim that Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while in office leads to war of words with half brother Michael
Snowboarding ‘less deadly’ than skiing, study finds Professor concludes that snowboarders, though more likely to get injured, are a third less likely to die on the slopes than skiers
America’s healthy debate on food Amanda Marcotte: Culture warriors try to cast anti-obesity advice as bossy elitism, but the bottom line is we all know we have a big problem