Yoga’s holy wars Stewart J Lawrence: The yoga industry is under assault from religious critics, Hindu and Christian. But are the objections theological – or financial?
Healthcare debate: do not resuscitate Pratap Chatterjee: For proof of why Obama's healthcare reform was needed, just look at the epic fraud that has plagued the old system
David Lynch tackles post-traumatic stress with transcendental meditation US combat veterans join Clint Eastwood and Russell Brand in praising technique at launch of Operation Warrior Wellness
Derrick Burts’ brave stand on HIV Philip Dayle: The porn industry should lead by example on safe sex – which is why Derrick Burts' call for condom use deserves praise
The gap in our teeth DD Guttenplan: It is shocking how much the state of someone's smile still reveals about their class
Conservative US Catholics question pope’s shift on condom use Calls for Vatican to clarify the church's position as opponents say the media misinterpreted remarks
How bedbugs invaded New York New York City is under attack from a mass infestation of bedbugs that is leaving a trail of itching, sleep deprivation and panic in its wake.
Yoga’s naked commercialism Stewart J Lawrence: The nude trend is stirring debate about how far yoga, now a multibillion-dollar industry, has travelled from its spiritual roots
US porn industry thrown into crisis after actor tests positive for HIV Last major HIV panic in California's adult film industry was in 2004 when an actor with the virus infected three colleagues
Veteran affairs: now we must serve them Seema Jilani: Uncle Sam is glad to wave the flag when sending soldiers to war, but patriotism means doing right by our veterans, too