Jamie Oliver alone can’t change this fast-food nation Latoya Peterson: Jamie Oliver has made a good first step, but we'll only see a true US food revolution when communities fight our culture of convenience
Jamie Oliver’s US critics The residents of Huntington, West Virginia tell the Naked Chef to stuff his healthy eating advice
Pay up for that Pepsi Peter Preston: Instead of a blanket hike on VAT, a targeted tax on fizzy drinks could raise money and save lives
New York restaurant kitchens face threat of salt ban City politician proposes £600 fines for restaurants that use salt in recipes
Cigarettes and alcohol and Obama Richard Adams: A boilerplate note in Obama's medical check-up - mentioning 'moderation in alcohol consumption' - sets off bloggers
Hot dogs head foods that can choke children Square hot dogs could save lives – but would anybody buy them?
One HIV test, but two results Elizabeth Pisani: The realities of HIV depend on geography. We can't treat our way out of this epidemic
Obama pushes healthcare reform plan to break deadlock Barack Obama embarked on a final effort to push through his troubled healthcare plan through Congress
Healthcare and Bill Clinton’s heart Richard Adams's blog: Q: Who would heartlessly exploit Bill Clinton's illness to score cheap political points? A: Opponents of US healthcare reform