In August 2011, aged just 29, I was diagnosed with a rare aggressive terminal form of sarcoma and spent five months undergoing palliative chemotherapy. Being a doctor myself, specialising in elderly medicine at a busy West Yorkshire hospital, I was fully aware my prognosis was dismal. We were looking at months if I was lucky.
However, instead of being gloomy about the situation I have set about trying to live my life to the full. A huge chunk of this positive attitude came from writing my 'bucket list'. The Bucket List is a film starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman who both played terminally ill cancer patients. It's about how they achieved things they never thought possible in their dying days.
I began to compile my own bucket list in hospital soon after I was diagnosed last year. I wanted an attainable list of things that would bring my family and me some happiness, creating fond memories that have nothing to do with my illness. It would have been all too easy to be completely unrealistic and say that I wanted to fly off to faraway exotic climes or jump out of a plane, but I was always very clear that my list would be filled with achievable activities.
I decided that I would like to travel a little. Trips to Edinburgh, London, Paris and Barcelona were booked, as well as breaks to the east coast, the Lake District and Anglesey. I wanted to experience some proper luxury so in Edinburgh we stayed at the Scotsman, a gorgeous boutique hotel I had always wanted to visit, and in London we stayed at the Savoy. My husband Chris and I felt completely out of place having afternoon tea at the Savoy and had to try hard not to drop anything! We also had dinner at Claridge's, where I was invited into the kitchen to see behind the scenes.
Romance is a big part of the list. I'm lucky to have a very strong, happy marriage. Chris and I decided we would recreate our first ever date in Leeds. We also decided to get married again. I loved our original wedding day so much it seemed like a perfect idea to renew our wedding vows and to have a big party for all the people who have supported us over recent months. This was an incredibly special and very emotional day, one I will never forget. It makes me smile just thinking about it. We're soon to revisit Bretton Country Park, where Chris proposed to me on New Year's Eve 2002.
Some list items were smaller and seemingly more inconsequential to other people. Reminiscence was a big part of this and I wanted to recreate some of my childhood memories: a visit to the zoo, a steam-train ride, a cricket match, a school reunion, eating fish and chips at the seaside, walking in the countryside and cooking bacon on a camp stove in the moors.
I've never done anything really rebellious in my life and that had to change, so I decided I would get a tattoo; nothing garish, just something small and pretty. I wanted to pick up some new skills, so I decided to learn Italian and to try to perfect my pastry making – something that has always challenged me, despite being a reasonable cook. Poor Chris has ended up eating many of my disasters in the process but is always very complimentary! I also challenged myself to raise a substantial amount of money for a small local charity before I die.
Some other things have made it on to the list quite by chance. The biggest of these is a flight in a glider, which fulfilled my desire to do something daredevilish. I'd never have contemplated doing this before illness, as I'm absolutely petrified of heights. However, the opportunity arose and I didn't really think twice. I was very apprehensive as I was strapped into my parachute and given the emergency briefing, but it was absolutely amazing and so peaceful soaring in the skies above North Yorkshire.
The bucket list has motivated us to spend our free time productively, and has given both myself and Chris a fantastically positive focus. I intend to keep making additions to the list as long as I am well enough to ensure I enjoy every last second of what remains of my life.
• If you want to read more about Kate's story, her books The Other Side and The Bright Side can be ordered from her website. All proceeds from sales of the books are being donated to the Yorkshire Cancer Centre. You can also follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
If this has inspired you to think about your own bucket list, please share what's on it below the line.